The Only Private Liver Institute in India
We are the only private institute in India dedicated to patients with liver disease.
Experience with Complex Surgeries
Our highly experienced team of surgeons, physicians, and nurses ensure an unmatched success rate.
Comprehensive Post-Treatment Care
We ensure that all our patients have regular follow-ups with our physicians, nutritionists, and physiotherapists.
Outreach Centres Across India
We have outreach centres across the country, making it easy for families to attend follow-up clinics.
What is the Liver Care Programme (LiCAP)?
South Asian Liver Institute’s Liver Care Programme (LiCAP) is a bold, new, and ground breaking venture in improving the liver health of the nation. Despite the simplicity in its name, it holds promise for the 250 million odd people with some form of liver disease in the country. In short, it is liver specialist designed, patient centred, optimisation of the medical care of the liver, with early careful tests, individualised treatment and regular follow-up to monitor the liver’s health over a long period of time- that even aims to reverse many chronic diseases and prevent the need the transplant in the best case scenario, and at least slow down deterioration in advanced cases.
LiCAP is many programmes in one!
For the person with early liver disease like Grade 1 Fatty Liver Disease:
It’s a programme that aims to review the health of the patients liver with a few basic and simple tests, even before the onset of symptoms, investigate other factors such as a potential genetic influence and then start measures to limit and later reverse the damage.
For the person with a serious liver pathology like Liver Cancer:
It’s a programme that aims to reach diagnosis within a short duration, do the right surgery and then put them on an intensive follow-up regimen that aims to detect any potential recurrences.
For the person who has had a Liver Transplant:
It’s a programme that aims to see them regularly, examine them regularly, optimize the medications, especially immune suppression drugs so that they get the benefit of a long post transplant life!
LiCAP Introduces 3 Crucial Concepts in India
Healthcare Centric
We must be truly HEALTHCARE CENTRIC, unlike most Healthcare projects and concepts in the country which are actually SICKCARE that is designed to look after patients with disease or advanced disease. LiCAP seeks to actively find early evidence of liver disease, and then goes about trying to mitigate its damage and return the organ to good health.
Harness Regeneration Capacity
We wish to HARNESS THE HUGE REGENERATION CAPACITY of the liver in turning patients into health people again.
Slow Long Term Disease
Liver disease is almost always chronic which means it is a SLOW LONG TERM DISEASE which progresses with time. A disease that gives us multiple warnings, only if we know how to look out for them. And plenty of time to try and correct the factors that are causing the deterioration. Such an illness is ideally suited to be brought into a LiCAP which tries to detect the disease and correct the factors before reaching the stage of permanent damage – which incidentally is called Cirrhosis!
Our Aim?
South Asian Liver Institute hopes to recruit all the 250 million people with liver disease in our country into LiCAP, although this will remain a dream until awareness of the nature of liver disease is made more common. Even if people are not able to come to us in person, we hope to run LiCAP as an online service to people far away from us, although South Asian Liver Institute already has 5 cities where we have a presence physically.