Cirrhosis is a chronic and progressive Liver disease. Malnutrition causes complications and it will worsen the condition of liver failure.
We at South Asian liver institute, asses carefully and give a personalized diet plan according to the requirement of the respective individual and seriousness of the disease. Our aim is to guide you to achieve adequate proportion of nutrients in liver disease with a healthy and organized diet.
As such, if you have this condition, what you eat and drink each day is especially important. Many foods to avoid with cirrhosis contain raw and uncooked protein, sodium, and sugar that require your liver to work harder—a demand it may no longer be able to meet.
As stated by guidelines, Nutritional management in liver cirrhosis should consume calories 35kcals/kg/day, protein should be 1.5g/kg/day. Meanwhile, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber are recommended as 50 to 60 percent, 10 to 20 percent and 30 grams intake respectively.
A decrease in Oral intake can be caused by low appetite and early satiety, nausea, ascites, taste alterations, medication.
Our Focus
We record the daily food intake, a 24-hour dietary recall to check the daily meet of high lean protein, High fiber diet, and supplements with branched-chain amino acid. Providing individualized nutritional intervention and monitoring by qualified dietitians during hospital stays helps to improve intake in patients that prevent further risk of malnutrition and related complications.
The inclusion criteria for Optimal management of malnutrition should focus on meeting recommended daily goals to give a kick start liver again.